Expert insights – Rob Percy

Understanding our investors’ diverse needs

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Expert insights – Rob Percy

Understanding our investors’ diverse needs

Rob Percy


As Cromwell’s Chief Investment Officer, Rob is responsible for the Group’s investment, transactions, as well as merger and acquisition activities.

Rob is also responsible for the development and capital raising for new products relating to both Cromwell’s ASX listed business and its Australian funds management operations.

Our investment process

Key considerations when sourcing commercial property investments

In order to achieve the best possible risk-adjusted outcome for investors, Cromwell takes into account three key factors when sourcing commercial property investments: cash flow, capital gain, and risk. After analysing these, we can determine the appropriate target market based on the asset or fund’s ability to generate income and capital gain, as well as the level of associated risk.

Learn more about the three factors below.
Why invest in global equities

Launching a new fund – understanding our investors’ diverse needs

When launching a new fund, it is essential to understand what our investors want and to tailor our product accordingly. We pay close attention to investors’ feedback and search for assets that align with their needs. Similarly, if we come across an asset that we believe can generate value, we identify the appropriate group of investors it is suitable for.

Learn more below.
Why invest in global equities

Register your interest in our latest investment opportunities

From time to time, Cromwell Funds Management introduces new investment opportunities. Register now to be among the first to access new opportunities.

Opportunities in commercial real estate

Cromwell believes that the office sector, particularly the CBD and fringe office, offers good value. Due to recent volatility, pricing is beginning to reset, and yields are becoming more attractive.

Demographic changes, such as the aging population and the resulting demand for healthcare services, make the medical and health sector another attractive investment option. The Government is partnering with the private sector to provide real estate solutions to meet this demand.

Finally, we see potential in large format and non-discretionary retail sector.

More on sector opportunities

Take a deeper dive into sector opportunities, exploring the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Managing risk

As with all investments, investing in a property or fund is subject to risks. We are very conscious of risk at Cromwell, and we aim, where possible, to actively manage risks.

Learn more about how we manage risk through the life of the investment product.
Managing risk

Our competitive edge

We use a combination of data sources to gain insights into the real estate market. We gather information from our tenants through the internal management of our properties, monitor trends, leverage our industry networks and use data from our research to give us an edge to identify the next investment opportunity.

Learn more below.
Our competitive edge

Learn more from our experts

Gaining exposure to commercial property through unlisted property trusts

For investors seeking to diversify their portfolio and explore alternative avenues for growth, unlisted property trusts offer a compelling opportunity.